Tower Hill and Safeco® are pleased to announce a first-of-its-kind marketing partnership in the state of Florida between two non-affiliated carriers.

Shortly, customers will have access to a multi-policy discount when they add a Tower Hill homeowners policy to an account with a Safeco auto policy – or add a Safeco auto policy to an account with a Tower Hill home policy. With market disruption commonplace in Florida, this is an opportunity for both companies to reach more customers through their multi-policy marketing partnership.
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It’s a win-win approach for both customers and their independent insurance agents, who represent two of the state’s most trusted insurers — Tower Hill and Safeco. The multi-policy discounts are applied to both the auto and home insurance policies. Tower Hill’s President, Don Matz, and Debra Pooley, Southeast Region Field Executive at Safeco, jointly announced the new partnership to agents last week.
While some may consider this an unlikely partnership, quite the opposite is true as Mr. Matz explained. “From its origin almost 100 years ago to the national reach and acquisition by Liberty Mutual Insurance, Safeco has always kept with the tradition of putting customers first, much like Tower Hill.” Matz continued, “Safeco is a champion for independent agents and prioritizes innovation. We share similar values at Tower Hill.” Founded in 1972 and today one of Florida’s largest residential property insurers, over the years more than 2 million customers have trusted Tower Hill to protect their homes and businesses.
Together, both teams have worked hard over the last year to make this trailblazing concept a reality. As Mrs. Pooley shared, “We couldn’t be more energized about the opportunity!” Safeco Insurance already has several innovative programs available for Florida customers including the RightTrack® Mobile program, which provides a savings opportunity for safe drivers. After a 90-day driving period, eligible customers receive a premium discount, up to 30%, for the life of the policy.
About Tower Hill: Founded in 1972, Tower Hill Insurance is a leader among residential and commercial property insurers in the Southeast. Financial strength, product expertise, a comprehensive reinsurance program, and exceptional claims service are core business strategies of the organization.
About Safeco Insurance
In business since 1923, Safeco Insurance sells personal automobile, homeowners and specialty products through a network of more than 10,000 independent insurance agencies throughout the United States. Safeco works hard to be the carrier champion of the independent agent. In a survey conducted in 2020 by Channel Harvest, independent agents named Safeco as the carrier that does more than others to support the overall growth of agencies. Safeco is a Liberty Mutual Insurance company, based in Boston, Mass. For more information about Safeco Insurance, go to