Safer Online Shopping

December 21, 2011 | Tower Hill Insurance

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Identity theft is on the rise, so be cautious. If you plan to do some or all of your shopping online this season, here are some Dos and Don’ts to help protect your information.

Each year, more consumers are opting to fill up their shopping carts online rather than in person. After all, it shopping online makes it easier to compare prices and avoids the hassle of finding that perfect parking space at the mall.


Do use a credit card online, rather than your debit card. If your payment information is stolen (hacked), it is often easier to dispute and resolve fraudulent charges on credit cards.

If you are using a smart phone or tablet to compare prices or make purchase,do be careful about shopping applications that you download. Be sure you know what types of permissions and access the apps require before you download them.


Public Wi-Fi connections are more easily hacked, so don’t make online purchases at hot spots or on public computers. Instead, shop online at home.

If shopping on eBay or another auction website, don’t wire money for your payment. Use a credit card for purchases; then if you never receive the item, you can dispute the charges with your credit card company.