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How to Protect Your Home from Water Damage

Roof Leaks

Roof leaks were the most frequent source of water damage in the study. The likelihood of a roof leak was even more common in regions where freezing weather, severe wind, and hail were frequent.

Roof repairs are needed if:

  1. The roof has cracked or missing shingles or loose or missing granules.
  2. Flashing has deteriorated, particularly around chimneys and vents.
  3. Pooling water is present on the roof.

Washing Machines

In the IBHS study, a burst water supply line caused half of all water damage incidents involving washing machines. On average, these caused more than $6,000 in damage per occurrence.


Water damage from a sink averaged more than $7,000 per incident. Of these incidents, 44% were attributed to faulty plumbing supply lines.


Water damage from toilets costs $2,000 to $10,000 per incident. 78% of incidents reviewed in the IBHS study were caused by faulty supply lines, toilet flanges, fill valve assemblies, or by toilets that backed up and overflowed.

Water Heater

The chance a water heater will leak or burst begins to dramatically increase when it is five years old. 75% of all water heaters fail before they are 12 years old.

Plumbing and Supply Drains

Homes 30 years old were three times as likely to have a plumbing supply or drainage problem.

What To Do In the Event of a Loss

  1. Shut off your water supply to minimize any additional damage.
  2. Contact Tower Hill or your agent to report your loss and be referred to a water extraction vendor in your area.
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