Woman business owner

| Commercial Lines

Tower Hill is one of the Southeast’s largest property insurers with more than 2.8 million customers who trust us to protect their homes and businesses.

We offer coverage for a broad range of classes in the Commercial Residential and Office and Retail segments.

Value-Added Benefits

  • On-site visits from field loss control specialists.
  • Dedicated commercial property claims specialists assist with loss control and mitigation of loss.
  • Products offer broad coverage terms to meet customer needs.
  • CastleCare offers preferred contractor services.

Where We Write

Tower Hill Commercial Lines coverage is offered by more than 400 independent agency partnerships throughout the Southeast. Currently, Commercial Lines writes business in these states:

What We Write

We offer a broad range of classes in the Commercial Residential and Office and Retail segments. Below are our targeted classes of business with links to additional information.

Office & Retail Facilities

Office & Retail Facilities

Insures buildings or offices (lessors’ risk coverage),  professional office complexes,  multi-tenant retail shopping centers, and other related risks.

Assisted Living Facilities

Assisted Living Facilities

Insures property of for-profit and non-profit assisted living facilities, nursing homes, convalescent homes, adult homes, and family type homes.

Self-Storage Facilities

Self-Storage Facilities

Insures self-storage and mini-warehouse facilities, including perimeter fencing and any other related ancillary property.

Early Learning Centers

Early Learning Centers

Insures property of early learning centers such as daycares, preschools, martial arts studios, and other related risks.



Insures primarily retail and wholesale business with on-site sales. This program includes a broad range of businesses with sales up to $12 million annually.

Homeowners Associations

Homeowners Associations

Insures homeowners associations, planned unit developments, condo, or cooperative-owned communities.

Commercial Residential

Commercial Residential

Insures apartments and condominium complexes up to four stories as well as rental dwellings.

Our Product Offerings

Tower Hill offers both Business-Owner (BOP) and Monoline Property (CP) products. Both of our products are available on either admitted or non-admitted paper:

RenaissanceRe Syndicate 1458


RenaissanceRe Syndicate Management Limited is the managing agent for RenaissanceRe Syndicate 1458. It manages the syndicate, employs the underwriting staff, and oversees the compliance, legal, human resources, modeling, actuarial and finance functions providing services to the syndicate. RenaissanceRe Syndicate Management Limited is franchised by Lloyd’s of London.

Lloyd’s of London is the world’s largest subscription market and has strong operating performance, strong capitalization, and strong financial flexibility, which is reflected in its financial rating. As part of Lloyd’s of London, RenaissanceRe Sydicate 1458 shares Lloyd’s Market Financial Strength Rating (FSR) of A+, XV (Superior) from A.M. Best Company as of January 2025.

Vantage Risk Specialty Insurance Company

Vantage RiskVantage Group Holdings, Ltd. (Vantage) was established in late 2020 as a re/insurance partner designed for the future. Vantage Risk offers a wide array of specialty re/insurance products covering global risks, including niche property and casualty classes.

Vantage operating subsidiaries Vantage Risk Ltd., Vantage Risk Assurance Company and Vantage Risk Specialty Company hold a Financial Strength Rating (FSR) of A-, XII (Excellent) from AM Best Company as of January 2025.